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   +7 777 646 32 46  Astana, Mangilik el 55/14 C2.3

Diplomas on Blockchain

Digital NFT Diplomas
for universities, for students, for employers

NFT Diplomas benefit universities by cost savings and enhancing trust and transparency. Students are provided with credible and unique digital credentials and easily showcase their qualifications. Employers get instant verification of diplomas and access to global talent.

Our partners

Case 1: Pilot launch with Kazakh British Technical University

KBTU has embarked on piloting NFT Diplomas. By implementing NFT Diplomas, KBTU aims to streamline administrative processes, and ensure the integrity of academic records,  providing value for students and employers.

Benefits for university

NFT Diplomas benefit universities by streamlining administration, ensuring secure records, and enhancing the reputation of graduates.

Benefit for employers

NFT Diplomas and an employer portal provide efficient verification and global access to qualified candidates, saving time and improving trust in the hiring process.

Benefits for students

NFT Diplomas benefit students by providing portable, verifiable credentials, expanding global opportunities, and enhancing their employability.

JASAim blockchain

Team of project

The committed and competent team of KBTU and RIT students, who utilize blockchain and AI technology for the transformation of education.

Syrym serikov

Founder & CEO / KBTU

Seitkadyrov Alikhan

Founder & CTO / RIT USA

Kuanysh Yensebayev


Abylai Sultanbekov

Data Scientist / KBTU

Alisher Beisembekov

Technical Director & UAE Branch Executive Director / RIT DUBAI


Don't hesitate to reach to us

We are open to everyone: students, universities, potential partners and investors.

This is a staging enviroment